
Increasing Self-Love


It is well known having a solid foundation of self-love is a prerequisite for being in an amazing relationship.

In fact, the degree to which we love ourselves influences to the amount of love we allow to flow in and through our lives.

So, how do you increase your self-love?

Many different practices exist to amplify love in our lives. I’m going to share one simple, but very powerful practice called Mirror the Love.

It’s important to note that an essential component of this practice is repetition. Similar to working out, if you only do it once, you won’t see much change, but if you are practicing consistently, you’ll see some fantastic results.

This is due to the neuroplasticity in our brains. We have the ability to rearrange our belief systems and create new neural connections — but only if we repeatedly encourage the strength of the connection and belief through repeated use.

It has been stated it takes at least 21 days of consistent practice for a new belief system to form. Imagine! In just 21 days you can change your beliefs about yourself, and in turn amplify your feelings of self-love.

Let’s go get it, shall we?

Set aside some time in your morning and nightly routines where you go into the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror.

Look deeply into your right eye and tell yourself “I love you.” Then look deeply into your left eye and once again tell yourself “I love you.”

Be sure to say this with an open heart, so you are sending and receiving love at the same time.
It might feel awkward or uncomfortable, but that’s ok! Part of the goal is to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. Pushing through this barrier allows more love to flow into your life.

Now, there’s one more key to this practice.

Anytime throughout your day you catch a glimpse of yourself in a reflection — whether it’s in a store window, or the rear-view mirror in your car, send a wave of love to yourself and think, “I love you.”

You’ll notice the amount of love you’re open to receiving begins to expand, and the amount of love you receive from other people increases.

So, every day for 21 days, I encourage you to consistently practice this process. And I guarantee you’ll experience a shift in the love you feel and the positive energy you attract into your life.

I know the love in your life is expanding right here and right now.

If you’d like to continue your growth and learning, I’ve written an e-book for you called “The 5 Feminine Qualities High Value Men Find Irresistible.” To get your free e-book just click the link below, enter your name and email address, and your e-book will be sent to your inbox.

This is completely complimentary, no cost. It’s a gift from me to you.


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5 Feminine Qualities High Value Men Find Irresistible