Matt Boggs
Thank You and Congratulations


Well done!  You have successfully signed up as an affiliate partners for the Cracking The Man Code programs and products!

I appreciate you for partnering with me in helping people create higher quality relationships and experience greater love in their life.

In a few minutes you’ll be receiving an email with your login information and a link to your resource center.  The affiliate center has all of the swipe copy, links, and resources you need to promote these programs effectively.

If you know your username and password simply click here to login: Affiliate Resource Center

Our aim is to provide you with first-class marketing that converts so that you not only receive great commissions, but you also have the good feeling knowing that you’re bringing first-class programs that will really serve your people.

I’m looking forward to playing together and sending you many large affiliate checks.

If you need anything please email our affiliate management team, Nadia Ibrahim and Destany Saalih at:

Talk soon,
Mat Boggs