When it comes to relationships, words are powerful.

They have the ability to evoke emotion in us. They have the ability to cause arguments. And also they have the ability to heal arguments.

But guess what? Words can also ignite attraction and desire in a man, so he instantly sees you in a whole new light the very second you say something.

In this short e-book (meaning it’s straight to the point with zero fluff and waffle) I’m going to share with you 4 types of statements you can use to ignite desire in your man.

In total, there are 15 feminine phrases, split out across the 4 different types of statements. I’ll give you the 15 phrases word-for-word, as well as explaining the different types of statements in more detail.

If that doesn’t quite make sense right now, don’t worry. It will in a moment.

So, are you ready to begin?

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Great! Then let’s get going…

Type of Statement #1: “Qualification Statement”

The first type of statement you can use is called a qualification statement.

This is where you let a man know he qualifies to be with you.

The reason this is so powerful is because men want to feel special. They want to feel different from all the other guys. So when you actually lead early in the relationship with some qualification statements to challenge him, he’ll feel proud and extra special when he eventually wins your favor.

Here are some qualification statements you can use early in the relationship:

  • Feminine Phrase 1: “It takes a special guy to win my heart.”

  • Feminine Phrase 2: “I don’t like to rush into a relationship.”

  • Feminine Phrase 3: “I like to take my time and get to know someone before I commit to anything.”

  • Feminine Phrase 4: “I’m really enjoying my life right now, and if I get into a relationship it’s gotta be with someone really special.”

These are great because they show you are selective. And highly desirable women who men want to be with are always selective.

In fact, my wife used a qualification statement on me early in our dating. Back then, I didn’t even know it was a qualification statement. Though in hindsight, it clearly was.

She said, “You know, you’re probably going to get really bored of this dating process with me because I live at home, and I’ve got a curfew with my dad. I can’t spend the night at your house and you can’t spend the night over here.”

Then she goes, “Other guys I’ve dated got fed up with that. So you probably will, too.”

Can you tell what she was doing in that exact moment?

Challenging me! She was saying, “do you have what it takes to get through this phase where I’m living under the roof of my dad?”

All I thought was, “Well, I’m going to be better than all those other guys who couldn’t handle that. I’m going to actually surpass that. And I am going to win your favor.”

The brilliant part about her qualification statement was that when I did get frustrated that she had to go home early, I never showed it. I never took it out on her and made her try to change her dad’s mind about keeping her under curfew. After all, I knew it was something I’d have to deal with right from the very beginning. I’d accepted the challenge.

Yet if she didn’t begin by giving me the qualification statement, chances are I would have thought, “is dating a girl who has to be home early even worth it?”

So as you can see, a qualification statement can be VERY powerful.

Moving on…

Type of Statement #2: “Empowerment Statement”

The second type of phrase you can use is an empowerment statement.

Us men love to feel powerful. And in life, we feel powerful when we’re producing. In other words, when we’re earning money, working on a project, or doing something else that takes us a step closer to achieving a goal we set out to achieve.

So when it comes to a relationship, what is productivity or production for a man?

Let me tell you:

Production for a man is giving you an experience that you love.

That experience or emotion you feel is what he’s producing. It makes him feel ten feet tall knowing he’s made you happy. So that’s what creates this empowered feeling in guys.

Now, the big question: How exactly do you help a man feel empowered? How do you help him feel like he’s creating an experience for you?


Start a sentence with this phrase: “You make me feel…”

For example, you can say something like…

  • Feminine Phrase 5: “You make me feel so sexy.”

  • Feminine Phrase 6: “You make me feel safe.”

  • Feminine Phrase 7: “You have a way of just making me feel better.”

  • Feminine Phrase 8: “You make me so hot.”

  • Feminine Phrase 9: “I feel so feminine around you.”

These are great statements.

I encourage you and challenge you to put these to the test for yourself.

When you use a “you make me feel” statement, notice what your man does. Notice his face. Notice his body language. He will become more empowered as you share those experiences. You’ll find it fun to see the feeling that comes from him when you use these statements.

And finally…

Type of Statement #3: “Pet Names”

The third type of words you can use to ignite desire in your man are names of endearment. In other words, pet names.

Think about it for a moment…

You give the people you’re closest with in life pet names. Chances are you don’t call your mom and dad by their first name. You call them mom and dad. Or when you’re little, it’s mommy and daddy.

Think about some of your best friends. Maybe you have pet names for them, too.

Guys will do this all the time. I have a good friend named Brian. I’ll say, “Hey, B. What’s going on?” And we’ll give each other these nicknames.

Using nicknames actually surpasses the area of our brain that says, “Hey, this is going to be a formal interaction,” and lands right on the “we are connected” area of our brain.

So use pet names like…

  • Feminine Phrase 10: “Hey, gorgeous.”

  • Feminine Phrase 11: “Hey, handsome.”

  • Feminine Phrase 12: “Hey, rockstar.”

Use these kinds of names over text, in-person or over a phone call. It will help him feel more connected to you.

He’ll feel like, “Wow, she just called me gorgeous? Like, that’s amazing. That’s so cool. That’s so different. Not a lot of other women are calling me gorgeous when I text them.”

And here’s a bonus tip to make him feel even more special:

When he calls you, change your tone.

Pick up the phone and say, “Hello?” just like you’re going on your normal day.

But when you hear it’s him, change your voice up a few octaves and put on a sweet tone. Say, “Hey, gorgeous! How are you doing?” You should also slow down the “how are you doing” part, to draw him in even further.

This change also helps him feel empowered. He’ll be like, “Wow, I actually have an effect on this woman.”

It’s a very, very powerful strategy for stoking desire in him.

Type of Statement #4: Challenge Statements

Challenging a man in the right way helps to ignite his desire.

This is because it gives him a “call to action” that awakens his competitive nature. In other words, it gives him something to accomplish.

Then, when he achieves this goal and accomplishes his “mission”, he knows it will make you happy.

For the record, us men love a mission. When we achieve it, we get a rush of positive biochemicals. Which is what makes these challenge statements so darn powerful.

  • Feminine Phrase 13: “Honey, can I ask for your help with something…”

  • Feminine Phrase 14: “Babe, can I ask you for a favor…”

  • Feminine Phrase 15: “Honey, I would really love it if you would…”


YOU – “Babe, can I ask for a favor…”

HIM – “Sure thing.”

YOU – “My lower back is really tight, I would love it if you’d give me a little massage.”


YOU – “Honey I would really love it if you’d take me someplace romantic this weekend, just you and me, I’m craving some alone time with you.”

HIM – “Sure thing.”


YOU – “Honey, can I ask for your help with something…”

HIM – “Sure thing.”

YOU – “We need water for the house, would you be willing to re-fill the jugs for me?”

Did you notice in each case there is a challenge he can accomplish? And by accomplishing that challenge, he makes you happy, which in turn makes him happy.


Though listen up, because this is KEY:

In order to stoke his desire, you need to increase the payoff after he has accomplished the challenge. So, when he has completed your task, make sure to acknowledge and celebrate him.

This is the most important aspect of igniting his desire, because every task must have the payoff to receive the reward of doing the task. For men, your happiness and your approval is his payoff. So the better response you give him for a job well done, the more he will jump at the chance to serve you in the future.

The best kinds of pay-offs for men include the AAA Pay-off.

  • Appreciation – Share how much you appreciate what he’s done for you

  • Affection – Give him a hug and sweet kiss

  • Admiration – Later, admire him in front of others for what he did for you.

It’s rather simple, but brings super high rewards.

Examples of Celebration Statements:

  • “You rock babe! Thank you so much!” (Big Hug and Kiss)

  • “You’re the best. It feels so good to have this done. Thank you.” (Big Hugs and Kiss)

  • “You’re my hero. I appreciate you.” (Big kiss and hug)

Later on, when you’re at dinner with friends, you can say, “Hey guys, my man is so awesome. My back was really right and hurting the other day. My man totally saved me with the best back rub ever!”

This public validation will make him feel like a king. In return, he’ll be sure to treat you like his queen.

Though you should know this:

All the phrases you’ve learned today work best when you’re dating a man with whom you’re in a relationship.

So if you’re wanting to find that special man who will cherish you forever and make you feel like you’re the type of woman he wants to COMMIT to, you need to know the secret to attracting such a man.

For the record, this secret has nothing to do with learning any manipulative tactics. Instead, you will find an amazing man by being your true self.

So, the big question… What is this secret?

Well, it’s all to do with:

  1. Removing inner-blocks that are keeping you stuck, and developing a magnet heart for amazing love.

  2. Understanding what creates authentic attraction and lasting connection in men.

  3. Knowing how and where to meet high quality men, and how to progress things from just going on a few dates to having an amazing partnership that lasts a lifetime.

Here’s the thing:

Most of us don’t ever learn this because we are taught relationships by watching our parents or friends. If their relationships weren’t incredible, then we naturally learn bad habits.

But don’t worry, because you can easily unlearn any bad habits you’ve picked up and, just as importantly, learn exactly what you must do to attract an amazing man.

See, when it comes to love, there are very specific things that create interest, attraction, and lasting connection.

Which is why I’ve created an entire program called “Manifest Your Man” to help you not only meet your special man, but to help you do so in a way that makes it last forever.


  • Never falling for an emotionally unavailable man again…

  • Never wasting your time going on dates with jerks, losers and men who lead you on…

  • Never dating someone who goes “cold” on you for no apparent reason…

Instead, my “Manifest Your Man” program can help you find a man who loves you just as much as you love him.

I know this can happen because I’ve already taken hundreds of women through this proven process.

So if you’re ready to manifest YOUR dream man, then check out my Manifest Your Man coaching program.

You can find out more about it (and apply for a FREE coaching call so you get a better idea of what to expect on the program), by clicking the link below:

Click here now to manifest your dream man.

Mat Boggs